Winter/Spring 2006 - Vol. 6/No. 2
Can winter cover cropping improve water quality of tail-water discharge?
By Aaron Ristow, Sam Prentice, Wes Wallender, and William Horwath
New regulations are holding California
growers accountable for detected
pollutants draining off their land. In
response, there has been growing interest
among farmers, researchers, governmental
agencies, and environmental conservation
groups in investigating the viability of
alternative crop production practices
that function to conserve soil and water
resources. One option SAFS researchers are
exploring is the use of winter cover crops
to minimize discharge concentrations
and/or load of targeted materials that affect
water quality parameters. Preliminary
analysis has demonstrated a dramatic
decline in amount of surface discharge
from growers’ fields while also improving
the quality of discharge managed with
winter cover crops (SAFS Newsletter Fall
2005, Vol.6, No.1).
These results for winter discharge
are not surprising. Winter cover cropping
provides protection from water erosion by
improving aggregate stability and increasing
soil water retention and infiltration.
However, research has shown that cover
cropping in the winter may conflict
with water conservation in the summer.
While cover crops may increase rainfall
infiltration, their increased evaporative
demand has been shown to deplete soil
moisture from deeper layers of the soil as
they mature, limiting soil water availability
for the ensuing crop. In addition, enhanced
infiltration from cover cropping during the
winter months may extend into the growing
season. Thus, in order to meet the water
needs of summer crops, more surface water
deliveries may be required.
To address these concerns, SAFS
researchers have established a network of
automated water samplers in grower fields
in the surrounding Central Valley. The
network of automated samplers provide
year-round monitoring of surface runoff
that generates data with considerable
resolution to more precisely compare the
effectiveness of cover crops in minimizing
runoff quantity and improving overall
runoff quality. Runoff volume and materials
that affect water quality parameters are
being determined, including suspended
sediment, turbidity, phosphate, inorganic
nitrogen, total dissolved nitrogen and
phosphorous, dissolved organic carbon,
and herbicides.
Soil water retention and infiltration
The net effect of increased water use
vs. increased infiltration depends on
several factors, such as cover crop dry
matter production rate, degree of soil cover
and soil slope, soil infiltration rate, and
rainfall intensity. Preliminary analysis of
our data suggests significant enhanced
infiltration of rainwater during the winter
months due to the winter cover cropping.
Interestingly, for the summer months,
approximately 50 percent of the irrigation
water applications to the winter fallow
(bare) field were not discharged and are
assumed to have infiltrated. Surprisingly,
during the same period, only 19 percent of
surface water deliveries are assumed to
have infiltrated from the winter cover
cropped field. Perhaps cover crop root
channels were developed during the
winter, or changes to it and to other soil
physical characteristics as a result of cover
crop residues enhanced infiltration deeper
into soil. Enhanced biotic activity, ranging
from earthworms and microbial turnover,
may increase aggregate stability and soil
structure to promote infiltration in cover
cropped fields. The result suggests that
cover cropped fields may offset
evapotranspiration through increased
winter infiltration or by infiltrating water
past the rooting zone in this part of
California. Research in the San Joaquin
Valley has suggested the opposite, that
cover crop evapotranspiration may
negatively affect water balance. The
decreased infiltration in the cover cropped
field during irrigation implies declining
water use efficiency if established
irrigation schedules are used in fields
managed for winter runoff with winter
cover crops. More research is needed to
determine whether irrigation schedules or
frequency of water application can be
reduced to increase water use efficiency in
cover cropped fields.
Runoff from the cover cropped field
had lower seasonal average concentrations
of nitrate, ammonium, and total dissolved
nitrogen. Concentration of phosphate
and dissolved organic carbon were not
statistically different. It is important
to recognize that seasonal average
concentrations of materials that affect
water quality parameters were all below
5 mg/L (Fig. 1). This is well within
drinking water quality standards for the
city of Davis.
Nitrogen (N) assimilation in the
cover crop throughout the winter could
account for the reduced concentrations
of N in the cover crop tail water. For
example, it is known that a winter cover
crop can effectively immobilize large
quantities of nitrate, delaying the nitrogen
availability until newly planted crop roots
become active in the spring. In addition,
the increased biomass of the residue may
immobilize N during the summer when
decomposition of the cover crop residues
is at its highest.
We have remarked on how winter
cover crops during the winter storm
season can significantly reduce loads
of all materials that affect water quality
parameters during winter months (SAFS
Newsletter Fall 2005, Vol.6, No.1). Further
analysis is needed on total seasonal loads
in irrigation tail water between the fallow
and cover cropped systems
across crop rotations and soils to
conclusively state the benefits of
cover crops.
In conclusion, it was
surprising to discover that the
winter cover cropped field
infiltrated only 19 percent
of irrigation water deliveries
in contrast to the 50 percent
infiltrated deliveries from
the winter fallow field. This
suggests that the grower could
apply less water to the cover
cropped field. We stress this may
be region specific with these
results reflecting higher rainfall
areas. Further investigation is
required before recommendations
can be made. In addition, N
concentrations were lower in the winter
cover cropped tail water compared to the
winter fallow field, suggesting residual
water quality enhancement from the use of
winter cover crops.
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