
Short-term soil carbon dynamics of humic fractions in low-input and organic cropping systems
Timothy A. Doane, Olivier C. Devevre, William R. Horwath

Observing changes in soil organic matter (SOM) is a fundamental part of defining the carbon cycle in natural and cultivated environments. However, relying on changes in the mass of soil C over short periods often produces conflicting results because of errors associated with sampling and analysis. In addition, C mass balance studies provide little interpretation of processes or turnover of specific C fractions. In the following study, we used C isotope and chemical separation of soil organic C to observe short-term soil C dynamics. With corn as the source of tracer C in two cover crop-based agricultural systems, natural abundance 13C measurements were used to identify changes in soil humic fractions (humic acid, fulvic acid, and humin) during two seasons under organic or low-input management treatments. All three fractions showed significant accumulation or turnover of C, with the fulvic acid fraction showing the most frequent but the smallest changes. The fulvic acid fraction showed a 5–9% turnover of C compared to 16% C turnover in the humic acid fraction. The stable soil C fraction defined as humin also exhibited an 8% turnover of C. The different humic fractions were affected at different times in the two treatments, supporting the idea that individual humic fractions may have different roles in C cycling depending on inputs and seasonal conditions.

Modelling the turnover of 15N-labelled fertilizer and cover crop in soil and it's recovery by maize
A. Hadas, T. A. Doane, A. W. Kramer, C. Van Kessel & W. R. Horwath

Combining fertilizer and organic inputs to synchronize N supply in alternative cropping systems in California
Andrew W. Kramer, Timothy A. Doane, William R. Horwath, Chris van Kessel

One of the principal aims of alternative cropping systems is to minimize excessive loss of N while maximizing N use efficiency and meeting cropNrequirements. Many such cropping systems substitute intensive application of synthetic fertilizer with organic inputs, such as N2-fixing legumes. The effectiveness of legume residues as a N source for subsequent crops depends heavily on temporal N release from the residue during the growing season. A field experiment with 15N-labeled fertilizer and 15N-labeled vetch residue was conducted to determine the temporal pattern of N release from both sources in conventional and alternative cropping systems in California. The experiment was conducted within conventional (fertilizer), low-input (fertilizer and organic N), and organic (organic N only) cropping systems established 9 year previously. Availability ofNfrom the labeled inputswas determined based on uptake bymaize (Zea mays L.). Uptake of totalNand 15Nbymaize in each cropping system was monitored at 10 day intervals from 50 to 90 days after seeding for determination of uptake rates. Uptake of N from fertilizer in the conventional system was greater than uptake of N from vetch in the low-input and organic systems. Uptake of N from vetch was delayed, but with a sustained availability later in the season. Uptake rates of N from fertilizer peaked at 4.3 kgNha-1 per day between 70 and 80 days while those from vetch residue reached a maximum of 0.6 kgNha-1 per day during the same time period. Grain and N yield at harvest did not differ between cropping systems despite different temporal and quantitative availability of N from organic and inorganic N inputs. This demonstrates that optimum yields can be achieved under management which uses alternative sources of N and can successfully match N availability with crop uptake.

A comparison of soil quality indexing methods for vegetable production systems in Northern California
S.S. Andrews, D.L. Karlen, J.P. Mitchell

Consultants, farm advisors, resource conservationists, and other land managers may benefit from decision tools that help identify the most sustainable management practices. Indices of soil quality (SQIs) can provide this service. Various methods were tested for choosing a minimum data set (MDS), transforming the indicators, and calculating indices using data from alternative vegetable production systems being evaluated near Davis, California. The MDS components were chosen using expert opinion (EO) or principal components analysis (PCA) as a data reduction technique. Multiple regressions of the MDS indicators (as independent variables) against indicators representing management goals (as iterative dependent variables) showed no significant differences between the EO and PCA selection techniques in their abilities to explain variability within each sustainable management goal. Linear and non-linear scoring techniques were also compared for MDS indicators. The non-linear scoring method was determined to be more representative of system function than the linear method. Finally, indicator scores were combined using either an additive index, a weighted additive index, or a decision support system. For almost all indexing combinations, the organic system received significantly higher SQI values than the lowinput or conventional treatments. The efficacy of the indices was tested by comparisons with individual indicators, variables representative of management goals, and another multivariate technique for decision making that used all available data rather than a subset (MDS). Comparison with the comprehensive multivariate technique showed results similar to all of the indexing combinations except the additive and weighted indices using the linearly scored, EO-selected MDS. This suggests that a small number of carefully chosen soil quality indicators, when used in a simple, non-linearly scored index, can adequately provide information needed for selection of best management practices.

Annual dynamics of soil organic matter in the context of long-term trends
Timothy A. Doane and William R. Horwath

Long-term research has provided a great deal of information regarding the influence of management on the equilibrium dynamics of soil organic matter (SOM), although short-term dynamics remain largely uninvestigated. An improved approach to characterizing SOM dynamics in managed ecosystems would consider both short-term and long-term changes in content and composition. This approach and its implications are illustrated for an experimental site comparing agricultural management practices. Changes in soil C composition were assessed semiquantitatively using 13C natural abundance measurements, demonstrating their useful although rarely applied role in short-term studies. This information is a valuable complement to long-term data, since net differences since the site’s inception fail to reveal a timeline marked by repeated changes in soil C content and composition. Such data are also useful for reinforcing and understanding long-term simulation models, which are typically driven by temporally dynamic events but are often fit against temporally sparse SOM data sets.